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/b/ - Random

CAPTCHA? B__LWhat is the more common name of the RB-79?

16dgxwwilm171.jpg (image/jpeg, 42.0K, 640x480)
shit site delete it
2 posts in thread. View thread

1381372687643.jpg (image/jpeg, 32.0K, 468x317)

1.png (image/png, 36K, 259x75)
So it would probably be a good thing if we had a few more banners. I sort of threw four random ones together to make sure the randomizer would work, but that's all. So post some banners in this thread, and if I like them I'll add them to the lineup.
- Dimensions should be 259 x 75 (or close if you've got a really good reason)
- They should be related to mecha, or to science fiction in general
10 posts in thread. View thread

Added, thanks!

Image.png (image/png, 42.0K, 259x75)

Cool, thanks!

whoops.webm (video/webm, 800K, 1920x1080, 0:00:07.090000)
Oh boy, we had to switch hosts. Let's see what's broken now!
10 posts in thread. View thread

1455481644.jpg (image/jpeg, 54.0K, 620x439)
I figured out the right button to press to get IPv6 enabled. It was the big blue one labeled "enable IPv6".

7beec4c9ad569801609d9fc5b3ffe4dd.jpg (image/jpeg, 464K, 1255x1600)

(JPEG Image, 800 × 800 pixels).jpe (image/jpeg, 78.0K, 800x800)

yamato_bridge.png (image/png, 288K, 627x480)
Uh-oh! The Yamato's warp has gone wrong! Where have they ended up this time, /b/?
15 posts in thread. View thread

New posts are handled kind of weird. You have to manually refresh to see them or something.

Makes sense. Nice seeing someone in a desert like this, even though I'm new myself.

Yeah, this is a problem with some of the older/smaller *chans. I remember thinking that it was caused by how the server sends Last-Modified and Cache-Control headers, but I'm pretty sure I've actually set those up right.

santo and ultraman.jpg (image/jpeg, 752K, 1280x1484)
30 posts in thread. View thread

1318786563042.jpg (image/jpeg, 28.0K, 500x338)

S02 -E01 - A Much Darker Place-480373.mp4 - Copy.mp4_snapshot_03.54_[2019.08.26_20.53.37].png (image/png, 1.3M, 1280x720)

Black-FRYDAY-14-900x900.jpg (image/jpeg, 184K, 900x900)

bebop_moon.jpg (image/jpeg, 224K, 1448x1080)
Happy Moon day, everyone!
4 posts in thread. View thread

praxis.jpg (image/jpeg, 122K, 1400x701)
Remember to appreciate your moon(s).

shot-S01E06 - Voyager's Return.avi-1jNjq8tKkJNtZJ8irvSmY4EKwQ-i2XsvF.avi-00:26:59.640.jpg (image/jpeg, 14.0K, 480x352)
The /1701/ people put on some Space 1999. I only caught a bit of it, but it looks like a good moon show.

MST3K 010 Cosmic Princess-6PnyPXiY3sc.webm_snapshot_00.10.55_[2019.07.24_01.45.12].png (image/png, 336K, 480x360)
most of the Gerry Anderson stuff is at least okay

Sergeant Keroro - 049 [ColdFusion][4472E373].mp4_snapshot_05.48_[2019.05.26_21.06.07].png (image/png, 432K, 854x480)
4 posts in thread. View thread

I want them to dust my gunpla.

Sergeant Keroro - 229 [ColdFusion][9088E557].mp4_snapshot_07.23_[2019.05.29_20.43.48].png (image/png, 320K, 854x480)

meidos.jpg (image/jpeg, 224K, 1280x720)

zero-ranger.jpg (image/jpeg, 22.0K, 287x176)
Just in case somebody hasn't heard yet, Zero Ranger is pretty damn fun and decidedly /m/.
1 post in thread. View thread

Pop_23_H.png (image/png, 916K, 1024x690)
You may only post in this thread if you have been posting, browsing, or lurking mecha related boards for more than ten years.
To get things started, why are you still around? Why do you keep coming back to these boards when it's obvious that your time has come and gone? The new shows are disappointing, the new posters are mostly dumb shitposters(remember when trolling was a thing?) and you don't even post that often anymore, yet here you are, on a chan dedicated entirely to mecha. Why?
Remember when you first saw this image and [spoiler]how realistic it looked to you back then?[/spoiler]
7 posts in thread. View thread

1463793364315.jpg (image/jpeg, 188K, 900x600)
I can't quite explain it, but mecha just resonates with me on a deep level. I genuinely cannot understand any reasoning people might have for not liking giant robots. If the USA went to war with North Korea, and it was announced that there would be an experimental mecha division, I would work my ass off to join it. Even if they where shitty mass-produced Mega-bots I would stay up all night studying how they work.Even if my entire battalion where man-child otakus like us, I'd fight proudly along side them. Even if the whole thing turned out to be a massive failure, I would proudly wear a Mecha division patch on my hat and our battalion's insignia painted on my robot arm. Even if was for a cause I didn't believe in that would make me a monster in the eyes of history I would gladly climb into that cockpit. Because after everything is said and done, if there's one thing in this world I believe in it's Giant Robots


original.jpg (image/jpeg, 28K, 720x352)
ah hell I hit reply before the image

1202205779.webm (video/webm, 64K, 320x240, 0:00:02.100000)
You're here. You know the drill.
2 posts in thread. View thread

chiyo-chan's_funnels.gif (image/gif, 492K, 207x159)