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CAPTCHA? B_s____l What is Sisko's favorite sport?

santo and ultraman.jpg (image/jpeg, 752K, 1280x1484)

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this place still work?

q (42).png (image/png, 168K, 480x386)
Hi dorkly!

Stargazing Cover.jpg (image/jpeg, 220K, 837x1101)

The lights are still on, at least.

Alliens.JPG (image/jpeg, 24K, 288x448)
allegedly Alliens went on to become Monster Clown from Psycho Circus (now of the Traitor Clowns)

Disney didn't block this chan

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It's only a matter of time, I'm sure.

yeah I tried here, 4, 8, 420, and VF's eternity
eternity isn't blocked either but it's some zombie board that can't die but you can't post either
they had some really cool Rose of Versailles shirts at Uniqlo, but they were all Small and Extrasmall. Like who in the actual fuck cares about Lady Oscar and fits in a small?

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I see that my strategy of never advertising anywhere is finally paying off.
I'm actually more surprised that a Japanese clothing store exists deep in Disney territory than anything else. I'd have thought everything would be tightly controlled on-brand, but that just shows how little I know.

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Yeah over at the shopping center they've got a Uniqlo store, and at Epcot they've got a Mitsukoshi.
Prices at their Mitsukoshi are normally batshit crazy, but I was able to get some good clearance deals from a booth they had at a Japanese culture festival in Kissimmee.
Got a Robot Damashii of the Ingram from Patlabor for ten bucks, marked down from $99.

Damn, that's a pretty nice find. For that price, I'd have picked it up myself, though $99 would have been rather much.

It's a great toy for ten bucks, glad I didn't pay normal RD street price.


Mirror-3.jpg (image/jpeg, 68K, 550x413)
Indeed, I'm not a huge fan of whitelisting or blacklisting certain characters. The most complicated part of this site (or one of them, anyway) is actually the engine that tries to sanitize unicode so that I can write my wordfilters and spamlists in ASCII.
(It's unfortunately a rather difficult problem because the Unicode Consortium's stance on the issue is "none of our data sheets handle that". They'll tell you that е looks similar to e, but not that Ⱡ can substitute for L in a spam message.)

[Pineapple_Salad]Macross_7_14_(2F8B1113).mkv_snapshot_13.32_[2018.11.11_01.29.50].png (image/png, 2.3M, 1440x1080)
>it's another "bitch about 4chan dying forever for the latest time but never try another board" episode
ah, this classic storyline
they'll do this one forever

shot-[OZC]Mobile Suit Gundam F91 [2011 Release].mkv-01:56:23.809.jpg (image/jpeg, 240K, 1920x1040)
It's a beautiful story, isn't it?

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Still unblocked

One of these days, mechachan will be important enough to be blocked. One of these days...

sw box c.jpg (image/jpeg, 320K, 1600x937)
Eternity got banned at one of my jobs for the reason of "none", but it was only the front page so you could still hit the specific boards

I can now add a conference venue or two to the List of Places Where Mechachan Isn't Blocked. It feels kind of weird.

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That's a pretty impressive mural. That robot with the eye beam is also solidly respectable.

MV5BYjJjZWYwNWYtMDRhMi00NGY5LWJmNzgtODk0ZGJhOGVhOWVkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzc5MjA3OA@@._V1_.jpg (image/jpeg, 1.3M, 2157x2949)
yeah it's from Arena Mexico
ironically from everything I've looked into there's no lucha movies where the wrestler fights a robot like that
there was Passport To Death with Blue Demon where he fights an android like Richard Kiel's character in Human Duplicators, which looks close to that robot on the poster but is just some guy in the movie, and the bad guy made a Blue Demon replicant in Santo and Blue Demon vs the Monsters, but the only beepboop robots I've found are in a luchadoras movie and The Robot Vs The Aztec Mummy
there's a lot of artistic license taken with the monster oppnents
Blue Demon appears to be fighting a chupacabra which wasn't even a thing until the 90s, the spaceman that Santo's fighting is very different from the Martians he fought, and I'm not sure if Mil Mascaras fought an Egypt mummy as opposed to Aztec mummies

robot_vs_aztec_mummy.jpg (image/jpeg, 22.0K, 480x360)
I can see how a squared, blocky robot would be difficult to choreograph for a fight of skill. Mummies and rubber suits are pretty well suited for their opponents. Perhaps the artist always wanted to see such a robot fight a luchador, so that's why it's there?

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probably a good way to dodge having to pay royalties, too

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